The only solution to analyze breathing-enhanced Oxygen-Sensitive CMR
AI-Powered Coronary Vascular Function Testing
Unlocking the Unprecedented Biomarkers From Oxygenation-Sensitive Cardiac Magnetic Resonance with Area19’s OCG19
3 minute aquisition time

Stress Free Testing of Coronary Vascular Function

Adapted Standard CMR Sequence (SSFP)

No Radiation
No Needles
No Stress
High-Resolution AI-Informed Analysis
High Spatial Resolution
High Temporal Resolution
Simultaneous assesment of ventricular function
Signature Biomarkers
(time-resolved myocardial oxygenation profile)
Offering simultaneous assessment of ventricular function.

No Contrast Agent
Oxygenation-Sensitive Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (OS-CMR) can be used to track tissue oxygenation in quasi-real-time.

No Pharmacological or Physical Stress
In the heart and the brain, hyperventilation decreases blood flow, while breath-holding increases it. The associated changes in tissue oxygenation can be tracked by OS-CMR and OCG19.

Breath Hold


Breath Hold
Personalized Risk Stratification
The response of the vascular system to the breathing maneuver can be tracked across the cardiac cycle (OxyCardioGram – OCG) and throughout vasoactive breathing maneuvers. The analysis yields an individual response profile and multiple biomarkers for coronary macro- and microvascular function.

Hillier E. & Friedrich MG. JoVE, 2022.
Coronary Vascular Health Screening One of a kind
The only non-invasive imaging technique that assesses coronary vascular function through the responsiveness to a vasoactive breathing maneuver (5).
Due to the fast, easy, and safe scan protocol, it is ideal for coronary vascular health screening in various clinical settings.

Detecting Early Disease for Informing Preventive Action
OS-CMR paves the way for personalized cardiovascular prevention by identifying endothelial dysfunction as the earliest sign of atherosclerosis. Detecting disease onset enables early, personalized interventions such as lifestyle modifications or medication that can add quality-adjusted life years (QALY).

Comprehensive Report
OS-CMR images are analyzed using the proprietary Area19 technology. Several biomarkers are extracted from thousands of data points. The resulting markers can provide a clear picture of the vascular status of the heart.

Display of quantitative biomarkers globally and per coronary territory
Tables, maps, and OCG curves
Summary of results, reflected pathophysiology and potential clinical relevance
Integration of Breathing-Enhanced OS-CMR in Clinical Routine

CMR is the most versatile advanced cardiac imaging modality, with quantitative information on cardiac morphology, function, and tissue pathology. Additional coronary vascular function testing further augments the value and sets the stage for a short, ultra-efficient diagnostic procedure.
Safe. Convenient. Just Better.
FAQs for Oxygenation CMR
Answer: Yes, the sequence has been and proven reliable on all major MRI vendor systems (GE, PHILIPS, SIEMENS) with consistent results within field strengths and vendors.
Answer: While a 3 Tesla scanner provides a stronger BOLD effect, it is more prone to artifacts. A 1.5 Tesla scanner may offer fewer artifacts but with a slightly weaker BOLD sensitivity. Overall, there seems to be no significant difference in the clinical utility. While the BOLD sensitivity may be a good argument for 3T, the choice depends on the targeted balance between image quality and the strength of the BOLD effect.
Answer: No special purchase is required. The sequence is based on a standard SSFP sequence. You will however need to have the privileges to adjust several sequence parameters. A19 can provide specific guidance on these adjustments for optimal results.
Answer: Yes, if your technologist has a basic understanding of cardiac MR, they should have no difficulty running the scan.
Answer: With two sliding tables, to scan up to five patients per hour is possible, assuming efficient workflow and patient preparation.
Answer: Only minor side effects related to hyperventilation are expected.
These include a dry mouth, lightheadedness and tingling. Any symptoms typically resolve within seconds once the patient resumes normal breathing.
Answer: No, a physician’s presence is not required as no pharmacological substances are administered during the scan. The protocol is not associated with any significant adverse effects. This makes the process safe and convenient for both, the examiner and the patient.
Answer: Not at this time. Due to regulatory and quality control reasons, we keep the analysis in-house. However, you can securely upload your data to us, and we will provide you with detailed results.
Answer: Certainly! We can help you set up the sequence and provide the necessary imaging and breathing protocols.
Please reach out to us at info@area19.ai for further assistance.
Answer: After hyperventilation 95% of the patients can hold their breath for at least 40 seconds without a problem.
Answer: The images should be taken during expiration.